Teracon_Gestion Immobilière_assurances_propriétaire

News – 4 Common Real Estate Insurance Gaps


Les propriétaires et les promoteurs immobiliers font face à de grands risques avec des lacunes de couverture communes. Sachez ce qui s’applique à vous et découvrez ce que vous pouvez faire à leur sujet.

Pour les propriétaires et les promoteurs immobiliers, souscrire à une assurance n'est qu'un aspect de leur quotidien. Il est important d'avoir la bonne assurance et les bonnes limites de police. Autrement, votre couverture ne correspondra pas à l'évaluation de votre propriété. Des polices inappropriées causeront des lacunes dans votre couverture - souvent dans des zones où vous supposez probablement être bien protégé.

Voici le top 4 des domaines où vous et vos biens pourriez être sous-assurés:

  1. Catastrophic Coverage Damage caused by low probability, high-cost catastrophic events including flood, wind, hurricane, earthquake or terrorist attacks are often excluded from general property policies. Even when they are included, the limits may not be enough to cover your property adequately. That’s where catastrophic, or “cat” coverage comes in. Cat coverage insures buildings for catastrophic losses and is a common gap in coverage for property.
  2. Rebuilding value - Most don’t realize the per square foot price tag of rebuilding. Factors like location, building type and exterior materials will all be additional factors to consider in determining the cost to rebuild. If your properties are inadequately valued, your insurance policy will not provide you with enough funding to rebuild your property the way you want to. Even with a blanket limit covering all of your properties, if you are underinsured and your policy has a coinsurance clause, you will be penalized. And because each policy is different, it’s important to check the limitations of your property policy. 
  3. Contractual Indemnification - When it comes to liability, one of the biggest risks is the construction work that goes on in your facility. With every new tenant move in, there’s always some level of construction. And when an injury occurs due to the construction operation, you’re likely to get sued as the property owner. Make sure you have the proper indemnification in place, as many policies will have a construction exclusion. 
  4. Business Interruption - A property policy insures your building during a disaster, and the business interruption portion of the policy reimburses you for business losses caused by the damage. This includes any impairment that prevents you from conducting business as usual - a fire, hurricane or other covered event that leaves your building uninhabitable or inaccessible.

Your property manager is a trusted professional, working for YOU only, able to review and compare insurance policies and advise you on the optimum coverage. Contact our specialists to start evaluating your insurance coverage.

Based on an article published in HUB Intarnational